
Den-Fi's Dragon Inspire IHA-1 Unboxing

I picked up the IHA-1 after deciding I no longer liked my wallet. Getting into tube rolling will certainly slap it around a bit. I went with the Lundahl transformers

4 years ago

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I picked up the IHA-1 after deciding I no longer liked my wallet. Getting into tube rolling will certainly slap it around a bit. I went with the Lundahl transformers since those that suggested the IHA-1 to me deemed it a requirement. The included tubes were the Sovtek 5Y3GT and two Tung-Sol 6SN7GTBs.

The plans for the near-future are a Linlai E-274B and a pair of Linlai E-6SN7s. I almost went down this rabbit hole when I had the Woo Audio WA22, but that was a bit much for me at the time. Now that I've settled on my top 3 headphones going foward, I can focus on other aspects of sound that escaped me early on.

You can read our in-depth review and tube rolling analysis by Flux:

Moon Audio IHA-1: A Tube Roller’s Delight - Tube Amplifier Review
Inspired: My Discovery to a Different Side of the MoonIHA-1 with Herbie’s Audio Lab Tube DampersMany moons ago, I was introduced to this little hot rod of an amplifier through YouTube reviews and some coverage on audio forums. One of the first people I remember covering the IHA-1 was Tyll

Published 4 years ago


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